To save money and gain in flexibility, many laboratories use Aiolos – dynamic gas mixer from AlyTech – to perform multi-point calibration,linearity checks, LOQ/LOD validation.
The Aiolos III is the last generation of this popular GasMix™ product produced by AlyTech since over 10 years. By mixing and / or diluting two to four gases the system generates calibration gas on site at the desired concentration, even to very low levels. The accuracy and reproducibility of the prepared gas standards make it an accomplished tool, well-accepted by users concerned with metrological performances.
Using GasMix ™ Aiolos III you benefit of :
Let Windward Analytical find the right solution for your needs. Contact us today for a consultation!!!
To save money and gain in flexibility, many laboratories use Aiolos – dynamic gas mixer from AlyTech – to perform multi-point calibration,linearity checks, LOQ/LOD validation.
The Aiolos III is the last generation of this popular GasMix™ product produced by AlyTech since over 10 years. By mixing and / or diluting two to four gases the system generates calibration gas on site at the desired concentration, even to very low levels. The accuracy and reproducibility of the prepared gas standards make it an accomplished tool, well-accepted by users concerned with metrological performances.
Using GasMix ™ Aiolos III you benefit of :
Made by experts, GasMix™ has its dedicated, user-friendly and intuitive software. Easy to handle, the software controls the operation of the system, calculate the mixtures, handle the calibration tables, and much more. The software can operate an injection valve (optional) and communicate with an analyzer. Required mixtures a dilutions can be programmed in sequences which enable multipoint calibration in a fully automatic manner. This way the operator just connects the cylinders to the diluter, sets up the input pressure, launches the sequence and comes back in some time to look at the results. The operator bench time is therefore significantly reduced!
Excellent metrology assured: Every individual Mass Flow Controller (MFC) used in GasMix™ instruments undergoes a rigorous factory calibration procedure at 20 points across whole range ensuring highest accuracy and linearity with particular attention to low and high end. The procedure is repeated for every gas matrix on customer choice (He, Ar, CH4, H2, N2, Air, …). Multipoint calibration tables for every gas are stored in the software and applied automatically for the selected gas. The instrument not only accurately prepares the gas mixture, but also automatically calculates and reports maximum relative uncertainty for every delivered concentration.
GasMix™ are unique diluters on the market capable to deliver a certificate for the produced concentration. To respect the safety and the quality Aiolos III automatically stop mixing in response to alarm settings done by the user. The audit trail track all events as they occur, like alarms, deviations, login. Power user can access to them anytime, even months after the operation was performed.
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